Sochi Olympic Diary
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Wednesday January 29th 2014
Today I had to get up at the crack of dawn (nothing unusual in that) to fly to Dublin for the press reception to introduce the Winter Olympic Team.  I went with my Mum and Dad and met my grandfather there.

I was really surprised by the number of reporters and cameras!  Conor, Seamus and I were the only team members in attendance because the other two were competing in Europe. Mr Hickey and the Russian Ambassador both gave speeches.  The interviews and photos began at 11am and it was after 2pm when we finally got away.

Being filmed/photographed with Conor & Seamus

Conor, Mr Hickey (President of the Olympic Council of Ireland), me and Seamus

Listening to the Russian Ambassador with members of the press.

In the evening, the SAI organised a lovely reception at the Royal Irish Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire. This was a more relaxed event with athletes' families and fellow Irish racers.  It was lovely to catch up with Hubert and Cormack.  

This has been a really long day and I have to get up early again tomorrow to catch the 6.40am flight back to Birmingham so that I can go to school for a couple of days before I head out to Sochi.